Broadcast Seeding

Broadcast Seeding

Broadcast seeding is a planting process where seed is scattered by hand or mechanically on the ground. Afterward, the ground is harrowed to evenly spread the seed and bury it in the topsoil.

It's most successful when the seedbed is prepared well and irrigation immediately follows the harrowing. Depending on the seeds being sown, light tillage may be enough to incorporate the seeds, or high-speed vertical tillage can be used to establish cover crops, thanks to the way it increases contact between seeds and soil.

Although the least-costly planting method, broadcast seeding requires diligent upkeep to ensure germination. At Pineview Vegetation Management, we make sure all the elements are in place to ensure successful broadcast seeding.

The big plus for broadcast seeding is its speed, since it makes it easy to sow large acreage quickly. However, you may find yourself needing as much as 20% more seed. Even distribution is crucial for success, as is soil moisture. Broadcast seeds that end up too shallow may not develop adequate root systems, while those that go too deep may not germinate.

In addition, larger seeds require extra upkeep, since their contact with the soil is more important to establishment. Broadcasting mixtures of seeds with varying densities or sizes also requires extra monitoring, since they can easily end up with uneven stands.

Broadcast seeding is best for conservative project budgets where dense plant spacing is required, such as lawns or cover crops.

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